The Right Thief

     Today is the day I die.My friend and I. I know because I’ve been sentenced to be crucified with my friend.We steal(or we did before we were sentenced and tried). Before you think anything like I’m trying to milk you for pity,yes, I know we deserve it because we have caused pain for other people and sincerely,it’s fine with me.
       Just so you know, I’ve not always stolen. I’ve been fending for my family since my dad died and it has been so difficult. Before I turned to robbery, I had done so many menial jobs and I had lost all hope of properly taking care of my family. Then I met my friend who in turn introduced me to stealing and I’ve been into it since then.I don’t blame him either because I understand how difficult things can be.
      We have already been crucified and our legs broken to speed up the process of our deaths. It hurts so bad but I have accepted it as punishment for my sins. Then, I hear it, the sound of a thousand voices becoming louder by the second.Some dude comes bearing a cross but it’s obvious it’s not his cross because he bears no mark of beatings. Just behind him, I see the owner of the cross,he looks very weak he’s been beaten really bad. His hair is matted with blood and he has several whiplash marks. He looks familiar but I can’t remember where I’ve seen him before. Perhaps he’s one of my victims.
    And then I remember, some years ago, before I started robbing people, I took up a job waiting at a wedding in Cana and the wine finished. Some middle aged woman tells us to do whatever her son says. And then he comes in( he, as in this beat-up dude) and tells me to fill jars with water and they turn into wine(no kidding).Asides that, I’ve seen him with people, constantly the same twelve people including Levi( the tax collector!). He’s usually saying stories or doing strange things. Things that defy all logic. And I know for sure that he’s a good person. So, it beats me as to why he’s here about to be crucified like me, a common thief.
     The man carrying the cross steps away( I think he’s called Simon, I can’t be too sure).Jesus( I now know his name) is now crucified and I can feel my pains all over again as he is nailed to the cross.He looks like he would die soon anyways without the whole cross nailing business.He is made to wear a crown of thorns and his head bleeds. There is an inscription on his cross that says: ” This is Jesus,the King of the Jews”. That’s how I learnt his name.
       My friend,who like me has been watching the happenings, says to Jesus “If you really are who they’re saying you are, save yourself and save us”. I’m tempted to agree with him. I’ve seen this man do stranger things so why not? But my conscience wins and I say to my friend  “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we are here justly, because we are receiving the due reward of all we have ever done; but this Man has done nothing wrong.”.I know this is my last chance to ask forgiveness and be free and then I turn to Jesus and say “Lord,remember me when you come into your kingdom”. Then he says to me one thing I’d never forget ” I say to you today,you will be with me in Paradise.”
     Maybe I’m not such a lost case after all.

My very first post

My name’s Ennie. I’m nearly 17. I write sometimes  and I have a lot of time on my hands so I decided to blog( mainly because my best friend goes on about how well I write). At first, I could not decide what I wanted to blog about. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff everyone wants to blog about and I thought about them all;movies, book reviews,my life, short stories and everything else in between.Every one of these was really tempting,trust me.Then,I thought again “Why not a little bit of everything?”. So, I decided to do just that- a little bit of everything and I think that explains why I decided to title the blog “Musings”. You know, Musings as in thoughts.Those kind of musings.

   I love to read.I love the Harry Potter books. It’s so difficult to pick a favorite. I love movies too. I can’t pick a favorite movie too. I listen to music of any kind and I’m a huge Jon Bellion fan. So, what to expect from my blog; my own musings/ thoughts (of course),anecdotes(biographical and fictional), book reviews,movie reviews(perhaps). The thought of owning a blog makes me nervous, even now.